• 914 351 823
  • 649 870 068

Digestive Diseases, Gastroenterology

Services at UMA:

  • Gastroenterology.
  • Endoscopy.
  • Assessment, diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, including motor disorders, inflamatory bowel disease and early diagnosis of cancer.
  • Specialty in liver, biliary and pancreatic disorders (including the latest therapies for viral hepatitis and management of liver cirrhosis and its complications).
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic abdominal ultrasonography.
  • Liver cancer surveilance.
  • Liver biopsy.
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic Upper GI endoscopy (Gastroscopy).
  • Diagnosis and therapy of Helicobacter Pilory
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic Lower GI endoscopy (Colonoscopy).
  • Colorectal cancer screening.
  • Endoscopic Ultrasound.
  • Hemodynamic studies of the liver.
  • Esophageal Manometry and pHmetry.

Dr. Pablo Solís Muñoz

  • Qualified as a Physician in Complutense University of Madrid with Honors (Premio Extraordinario de licenciatura).
  • Number 2 in MIR national exam (out of more than 10,000 physicians).
  • Specialty in Gastroenterology in University Hospital “12 de Octubre” with multiple rotations in London.
  • PhD in 2010 with the highest degree (marked as “sobresaliente cum laude y Premio Extraordinario de la UCM”).
  • 3 years working in London at Kings College Hospital in SouthEast London, referal centre for liver disease, specialising in Hepatology (liver diseases).
  • 28 indexed scientific papers in pretigious journals.
  • Numerous chapters in reference books of the speciality.
  • More than 40 scientific communications in european and american meetings.


Contacta con Nosotros



    Monday to Friday we have uninterrupted hours from 9:00h until 20:00h and  Saturdays from 10:00h to 13:00h. In August our summer opening hours are Monday to Friday from 10h to 17h and Saturdays 10:00h to 13:00h.

    All staff, doctors, nurses and administration, are english speaking.


    House Calls

    Call 916 56 90 57

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